IT Servicedesk support
IT Servicedesk support
On this page
Contact our Servicedesk
Phone IT Helpdesk 07 579 8453 (Ext 8453)
or if non-urgent email
Please be sure to provide at least the following information for our team members:
- Full name
- Your role in the organisation
- Your contact details (e.g. phone number we can contact you on)
- Preferred time for contact (e.g. your working hours)
- A clear description of your request
- Your device asset number
- A courteous response. If we cannot help directly we will try and direct you to where help is available.
- If we can help, an incident will be opened in our Service Management system. You will receive an automated email with a summary of your request and an incident number. This number should be used when inquiring about your call. If you do not receive an email, your incident has not been logged.
- A timely response to your request. The actual time depends on the nature of the request, but you should expect to be informed of the likely resolution time in most cases.
- Most Clinical Systems
- Computers (laptops and desktops)
- Printer issues (although we will generally contact Konica Minolta to fix hardware faults)
- Data Network links inside buildings, between sites, wireless links
- Internet access
- Remote access to systems
- Email access
- Document storage
- Most DHB wide software applications
- New hardware and software
- Phone technical issues
- Mobile device management (Mobile Iron)
- Mobile phone administration
- Many databases
- Oracle (e-Procurement, financials) contact
- Phone administration and mobile phone billing enquiries: contact Telephony on "0" or email
- Most clinical electronic devices (contact Clinical Engineering)
- Security Systems (contact Property Services)
- Fire Systems (contact Property Services)
- Building Management (contact Property Services)
Internet site content: contact the Communications Team by email
After-hours support
The IT Servicedesk normal hours are Monday to Friday 7:30am-5pm, except public holidays.
Outside normal hours, calls are diverted to an after hours call centre operated out of Auckland.
Only support which cannot wait until the normal Service Desk hours should be logged by phone. You should expect some delays in the call being answered, but these should not exceed five minutes.
The after-hours call centre will confirm that the issue does require attention before the next business day, and if required will contact the on-call Bay of Plenty District Health Board (BOPDHB) Servicedesk team member.