Allied Health
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Allied Health
Allied Health is a department of the Hauora a Toi Bay of Plenty that provides occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech & language therapy, dietetic, audiology, social work, podiatry and rehabilitation services.
These staff are all involved in direct client care and work in a wide range of situations to improve the health and wellbeing of the people they work with. Their work includes people who are acutely unwell in hospital, or requiring rehabilitation for serious illness or injury, people who have chronic illness or disability and need to improve functional independence and quality of life.
Allied Health staff work in partnership with individuals and their family/whanau to facilitate relationships and a smooth journey through the healthcare system.
Allied Health staff promote wellness as well as treating illness, disability or injury.
Allied Health staff work in many settings including client homes, hospital wards and out-patient clinics and a wide range of community settings such as clinics, kōhanga reo and schools.
Working in the Allied Health team
In Allied Health we aspire to deliver and lead the way in the Bay with new directions and innovations.
We encourage our Allied Health staff to further their learning and development through the support of study funds available.
Hauora a Toi Bay of Plenty has 350 Allied Health professionals with roles including:
- Executive Director of Allied Health Scientific & Technical.
- Associate Director of Allied Health
- Occupational Therapists
- Physiotherapists
- Clinic lead Specialised Physiotherapists
- Speech & Language Therapists
- Audiologists
- Dietitians
- Social Workers
- New Born Hearing Screeners
- Administration
- Orderlies
- Allied Health Assistants
Allied Health staff work in the community, within the hospital (all wards), in Whakatāne, Tauranga and across all services.
The team is a forward-thinking group and always put their clients at the centre of what they do.
The Allied Health team are working hard to ensure they are supporting and encouraging people to live well and stay well.
There are professional development opportunities within Hauora a Toi Bay of Plenty as well as possible external opportunities.
Allied Health take over 100 students every year and believe that taking students is essential to maintain their own learning as well as growing our workforce. There are rotational positions at varying levels. The team provides support to new graduates in mental health and physical health.