Advance Care Planning | Te Whatu Ora | Health New Zealand | Hauora a Toi Bay of Plenty

Advance Care PlanningTō tātou reo

Thinking about, talking about, and writing down a plan for future health care and end of life care.

Tō tātou reo | Advance care planning

What is Advance Care Planning (ACP)?

Advance care planning is a health care plan that ensures people receive medical care that is consistent with their values, especially when seriously or chronically ill.

Frequently asked questions

How should you plan?

Advance care planning doesn’t need to be complicated but it does require careful consideration. It involves thinking about, talking about and writing everything down in a plan that aligns with your values system.

Online plans

Why is ACP important?

Advance care planning helps guide doctors and other health professionals if you become too sick to speak or make decisions for yourself. The plan gives family and friends an opportunity to know what you want.

ACP Stories

When should you plan?

Anyone at any stage of life and health can have an advance care planning conversation. Have these conversations when you are well. It is difficult to have these conversations when a crisis occurs. Be prepared and talk now.

Start a conversation

Advance care plan | Plans and Resources

For additional info, contact:

Lee Walters
Project Manager of ACP