Family violence | Te Whatu Ora | Health New Zealand | Hauora a Toi Bay of Plenty

Consultation, support, education and support for all whānau/family violence issues.

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Violence Intervention Programme (VIP)

Hauora a Toi Bay of Plenty provides consultation, support, education and liaison with community and statutory agencies with regard to all family violence issues.

  • Child Abuse and Neglect (CAN)
  • Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)
  • Older adult and Vulnerable Adult

Our policy and Ministry guidelines

BOPDHB Family Violence Intervention Policy [PDF, 234KB]
Family Violence Assessment and Intervention Guideline (2016) [PDF, 3.4MB]

Please remember
  • family violence is common in New Zealand
  • family violence is violence between people with a close personal relationship - it affects women, children, men, young and old
  • family violence can take many forms - it can be physical, sexual, emotional and economic. This includes intimidation, harassment, damage to property, or threats of physical, sexual or psychological abuse
  • if you feel afraid of your partner, controlled or always put down, this is family violence
  • help is available - call the Family Violence Information Line on 0800 456 450 or call Shine's national helpline on 0508 74 46 33

Where can I go for help?

Help is available

If you or a child are in immediate danger, call the police on 111 within New Zealand

Should you ever have concerns for the safety of a child/young person with regards to possible abuse or neglect then please contact Ministry for Children Oranga Tamariki (MCOT) on 0508 326 459 (0508 FAMILY).

If you or your children are affected by family violence, or if you want help with your behavior, call The Family Violence Information Line on 0800 456 450 to find out about the organisation's in your area who can help.

Call Shine's national helpline on 0508 744 633.

If you or a child are in immediate danger, dial 111 now.

Child abuse is...

The harming, ill treatment, abuse, neglect or deprivation of any child or young person.

Should you ever have concerns for the safety of a child/young person with regards to possible abuse or neglect then please contact:

Ministry for Children Oranga Tamariki (MCOT) on 0508 326 459 (0508 FAMILY).

BOPDHB policy and guidelines (CAN)

BOPDHB Child Abuse and Neglect Policy (CAN) [PDF, 835KB]
Child Abuse and Neglect Intervention Flowchart [PDF, 506KB]

If you or a child are in immediate danger, dial 111 now.

Intimate partner violence is...

Physical, sexual, or psychological harm by a current or former partner or spouse.

This type of violence can occur among heterosexual or same-sex couples and does not require sexual intimacy.

In an unhealthy relationship there is...

  • lack of trust and openness between two people
  • one person has power over the other
  • one person is physically, sexually and emotionally hurtful to the other.

Partner abuse can be when your partner…

  • controls the finances
  • does not allow you to do things like get a job
  • stops you seeing family and friends
  • uses insults like calling you fat, lazy, stupid, ugly, a slut or other names that make you feel bad
  • is very jealous
  • threatens to leave, kill or hurt you or the children
  • threatens or hurts the family pets
  • slaps, hits, punches, chokes, pushes, burns you or the children
  • hurts or threatens you or the children with weapons or objects
  • forces you into sexual acts you don't want by threats, coercion or physical force
  • destroys property
  • Takes away the car keys.

There are no excuses for abuse

  • A person is responsible for his/her own behaviour.
  • No one deserves to be abused, everyone deserves equal respect.
  • No partner in a relationship has the right to dominate or abuse another.
BOPDHB policy and guidelines (IPV)

BOPDHB Intimate Partner Abuse Policy (IPV) [PDF, 1.3MB]
Intimate Partner Abuse Intervention Flowchart [PDF, 358KB]

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