Achilles Tendon Rupture | Te Whatu Ora | Health New Zealand | Hauora a Toi Bay of Plenty

Achilles Tendon Rupture

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What has happened?

  • You have injured (torn/ruptured) your Achilles tendon - this is a cord like structure that runs down the calf and attaches to the ankle. This is a common injury, and many of these are managed without surgery

What should I expect?

  • You will have been placed in a cast or special shoe (moon boot) by ED staff
  • Your calf and ankle may be painful and swollen
  • You may develop bruising that goes into your feet and toes - this is common
  • You will be in a cast or moon boot for approximately 2 months
  • Recovery time is approximately 3+ months

What should I do?

  • Take simple pain relief (e.g. paracetamol and ibuprofen) as required
  • You will need crutches to help you move
  • If given a cast, keep it dry at all times by covering it with a plastic bag and securing it with tape before showering - a wet cast will get soggy and fall apart
  • Keep moving your toes
  • Elevate your foot on a chair or cushions while sitting down - this will help with swelling and pain
  • Book an appointment to see a physiotherapist to help with rehabilitation - remember to take your ACC form/number with you

What should I not do?

  • You will be unable to drive with this injury
  • You should not put weight on the leg that you have injured
  • Try to reduce or stop smoking as this may delay healing

Will I be followed up?

  • Yes, a follow-up appointment in the Orthopaedic Clinic will be requested when you leave ED and you will be contacted regarding a date and time

What if I have concerns/questions?

  • If you have any ongoing problems, you should discuss this first with your GP - take your ACC form/number with you
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