Support Net | Disability services and support | Te Whatu Ora | Health New Zealand | Hauora a Toi Bay of Plenty

Support Net | Disability services and support

Supporting disability related needs, to help people live independent lives in the Bay of Plenty.

On this page

About Support Net

Support services for people with disabilities (of all ages) in the Hauora a Toi Bay of Plenty area are accessed through Support Net. Support services for people aged under 65 with a disability in the Lakes area are also accessed through Support Net.

Support Net is a Needs Assessment and Service Coordination Service (NASC) for people with disabilities or older people with health and disability related needs.

We aim to support those people who are eligible to receive services to live as independently as possible in their home and community.

NASC is the first step for a person to get Government-funded support services. Services may include help with personal support, meals, household management, carer support, day programmes, and the support provided by rest homes and private hospitals. 

Support Net has three main roles:

  • To facilitate needs assessment
  • Service planning and coordination
  • Resource allocation within a defined budget 

Support Net provides NASC services for two funding organisations:

1. The Ministry of Health for people with long term impairment/disability needs who meet the Ministry of Health eligibility criteria and are aged under 65 years. We provide these services in the Hauora a Toi Bay of Plenty and Lakes areas.

2. Hauora a Toi Bay of Plenty for people (of all ages) with long-term chronic health needs or who are aged over the age of 65 years and have long term disability or age-related health needs. We provide these services in the Hauora a Toi Bay of Plenty area.

Contact Us

Tauranga Whakatāne Rotorua

190 Seventeenth Avenue
Tauranga South
Tauranga 3112

Postal address:
Private bag 12024
Tauranga Mail Centre
Tauranga 3143

Ph 07 571 0093

Whakatāne Hospital
PO Box 241

Ph 07 306 0986

1166 Amohau Street

Ph 0800 262 477

Or freephone 0800 262 477


Anyone can be referred to Support Net for this free service.  Self-referrals, family referrals and doctor referrals are most common.

What happens next?

A needs assessment is the first step in identifying what help you need to manage as independently as possible. We will contact you to arrange a suitable time for an assessment. You are welcome to have a support person present at the assessment.

Support Net Referral for Needs Assessment for People with Long-Term Disabilities form


Your rights

Your rights when receiving a health or disablility service:

  1. Respect
    You should always be treated with respect. This includes being listened to and respected for your culture, values, ideas and beliefs, as well as your right to personal privacy.

  2. Fair treatment
    No one should discriminate against you, pressure you into something you do not want or take advantage of you in any way.

  3. Dignity and independence
    You should be treated in a way that values you as a person and services should support you to live a dignified, independent life.

  4. Proper standards
    You have the right to be treated with care and skill, and to receive services that are right for your circumstances. All those involved in supporting you should work together for you.

  5. Communication
    You have the right to be listened to and understood, ask questions, and receive information in whatever way you require. When it is required, and practicable, an interpreter should be available.

  6. Information
    You have the right to know what is happening to you and be told what your choices are. This includes how long you may have to wait, an estimate of any costs, and likely benefits and side effects. You can ask any questions to help you be fully informed.

  7. It's your decision
    It is up to you to decide. You can say no or change your mind at any time.

  8. Support
    You have the right to have someone with you to give you support in most circumstances.

  9. Teaching and research
    All these rights also apply when taking part in teaching and research.

  10. Complaints
    It is okay to complain and it is your right to have your concerns heard. Your complaints help improve service. It must be easy for you to make a complaint, and it should not have an adverse effect on the way you are treated.

  11. Privacy
    You have a right to know about some important parts of the Privacy Act and the Health Information Privacy Code.
    These parts include:

    • Information is required to be collected in order to ascertain appropriate services.
    • You must know beforehand, and give your written consent, for information to be collected.
    • Your information must be kept securely.
    • It is your right to have access to, and, if necessary, correct any information collected by Support Net.
    • Support Net must only use the information for the purposes for which it is collected for.

To learn more about your rights please visit Your patient rights and privacy.

Your support plan

Once your needs assessment has been done, our team will work with you to come up with a support plan that meets your needs.

What if my needs change?

If your needs change, you can contact Support Net at any time to arrange a reassessment or review of your support plan.

The links below will provide you with information on the Ministry of Health New Model and other helpful links regarding support for older people:

Eligibility for support

Support Net is obliged to establish if people meet criteria to be eligible to receive needs assessment service coordination (NASC) services. Staff will talk to about this and will work with you to find out about your abilities, resources, goals and needs. After an assessment has taken place we will help you to identify which of these needs are the most important and work with you to plan what support or services are available to help you. This includes support that is available to you from family, friends and community contacts.

Support Net will identify with you which supports you are eligible for and we will then help start these services and supports.

If funded services are required these services are often delivered by provider organisations contracted by Hauora a Toi Bay of Plenty or the Ministry of Health. These services could include help in the home, help with personal care, respite, support for living independently and others such as individualised funding arrangements.

The Ministry of Health website has further information about eligibility for Disability services.