Available education

Available education

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Booking a course

Find courses listed below for eligiblilty and registration information. Contact our team if you have any questions or need help.

This is a full day training course for our midwives and LMCs.

Venue will be confirmed in your confirmation email. Please check dates below Tauranga (TGA) and Whakatāne (WHK)

Pre-requisite before you can register on this course you must complete the Combined Emergency Skills Assessment

If you don't already have an account create an account.

Once you have passed the pre-requisite, you can book onto the session you require, from Te Whariki a Toi.

Facilitator(s) Julz Griffiths

Course content
  • Adult/maternal resuscitation
  • Neo-natal resus
  • Childbirth emergency skills


Course date(s) 2024 Course time(s)
TGA - Wednesday 24 January 2024 0830 -1630hrs
TGA - Wednesday 7th February 2024 0830 -1630hrs
TGA - Wednesday 20th March 2024 0830 -1630hrs
TGA - Wednesday 3rd April 2024 0830 -1630hrs
TGA - Wednesday 22nd May 2024 0830 -1630hrs
TGA - Wednesday 26th June 2024 0830 -1630hrs
TGA - Wednesday 24th July 2024 0830 -1630hrs
TGA - Wednesday 28th August 2024 0830 -1630hrs
TGA - Wednesday 25th September 2024 0830 -1630hrs
TGA - Wednesday 23rd October 2024 0830 -1630hrs
TGA - Wednesday 20th November 2024 0830 -1630hrs
To register - change link here

Register for the Combined Emergency Skills for Midwive's course

This free, two-day training course is recommended for all health professionals who work in the community, in hospitals, health agencies and GP surgeries and who have contact with patients and/or clients.

Please note you must be able to attend both days.

Venue will be confirmed in your confirmation email. Please check dates below Tauranga (TGA) and Whakatāne (WHK)

Pre-requisite before you can register on this course you must complete the Course: Violence Intervention Programme (healthlearn.ac.nz)

If you don't already have an account create an account.

Once you have passed the pre-requisite, you can enroll directly from Te Whariki a Toi.

Course facilitator(s) Deb Fielding and Raewyn Butler

Course content
  • Day 1 - looks at the dynamics of intimate partner violence and routine enquiry training.
  • Day 2 - focuses on child abuse and neglect, identification management and reporting.
Course date(s) 2024 Course time(s)
TGA - Tuesday 19 and Wednesday 20 March 

0845-1600 (Day 1) 
0900-1600 (Day 2) 

TGA - Tuesday 23 and Wednesday 24 April

0845-1600 (Day 1) 
0900-1600 (Day 2) 

WHK - Wednesday 15 and Thursday 16 May

0845-1600 (Day 1) 
0900-1600 (Day 2) 

TGA - Tuesday 25 and Wednesday 26 June

0845-1600 (Day 1) 
0900-1600 (Day 2) 

TGA - Tuesday 23 and Wednesday 24 July

0845-1600 (Day 1) 
0900-1600 (Day 2) 

TGA - Tuesday 27 and Wednesday 28 August 

0845-1600 (Day 1) 
0900-1600 (Day 2) 

WHK - Tuesday 17 and Wednesday 18 September

0845-1600 (Day 1) 
0900-1600 (Day 2) 

TGA - Tuesday 15 and Wednesday 16 October

0845-1600 (Day 1) 
0900-1600 (Day 2) 

TGA - Tuesday 19 and Wednesday 20 November 

0845-1600 (Day 1) 
0900-1600 (Day 2) 

Register for the course (2 day course) here

This registration is open to LMCs.

All of our midwives need to book via Te Wharaki a Toi.

Venue Tauranga Hospital, Education Centre

Facilitator Julz Griffiths

Course date(s) 2023 Course time(s)
TGA - Friday 10 November  0745-1500
To register

Register for the Register for the Fetal Surveillance Education Program

Any queries or further information email  julz.griffiths@bopdhb.govt.nz

This registration is open to LMCs.

All of our midwives need to book via Te Wharaki a Toi.

Course date(s) 2023 Course time(s)
TGA - Tuesday 21 November 0900-1600hrs

Register your interest for the Maternity Forum

Any queries or further information email Julz.Griffiths@bopdhb.govt.nz

This free, two-hour training course is for all health professionals and staff in the Western and Eastern Bay of Plenty who have contact with children aged 0-4 years or their families.

Venue will be confirmed in your confirmation email. Please check dates below Tauranga (TGA) and Whakatāne (WHK)

Course facilitator(s) Zirsha Wharemate and Hatea Ruru 

Course content
  • Understanding the importance of good oral health in children 0-4 years
  • Understanding the risk and protective factors related to dental decay
  • Gaining confidence and skills in identifying children with, or at risk of developing dental decay
  • Referral process to community dental services for follow-up
  • Implementing a plan for good home care and engagement with dental services
Course date(s) 2024 Course time(s)  
TGA - Thursday 14 March 0930 - 1130


TGA - Thursday 20 June  0930 - 1130


TGA - Thursday 15 August 0930 - 1130


TGA - Thursday 21 November 0930 - 1130


To register - change link

Click here to register - Oral Health - Lift the Lip

This course is a full day course for all midwives who care for sick newborns/infants who are currently working for our contracted organisations in the Bay of Plenty.

Venue will be confirmed in your confirmation email. Please check dates below Tauranga (TGA) and Whakatāne (WHK).

Pre-requisite see below pre-reading and test

Facilitator(s) Internal specialist

Pre-reading manual and pre-test both will be sent out a month before the course date

Course fees Free

Course content
  • An education programme to provide consistency to the post-resuscitation/pre-transport stabilisation care of sick newborns/infants
  • Information is organised in a mnemonic to assist with retentions and recall 
  • This is valuable information for health professionals caring for newborn babies/infants
Course date(s) 2023 Course time(s)
TGA - Thursday 26 October  0830 -1630hrs
To register

Register for the STABLE Study Day


This free three-hour workshop is delivered by Zoom and is for all staff who are currently working for our contracted organisations in the Bay of Plenty

Venue this workshop is delivered by Zoom. All details will be emailed to you before the start date, including the Zoom link.

Facilitator(s) Mahana Culture

Course fees Free

Course content

Understand and learn how to identify and address:

  • What implicit bias is
  • Ethnic bias, particularly against Māori
  • What institutional racism is
Course date(s) 2023 & 2024 Course time(s)
Tuesday 12 December - ZOOM 0930 - 1300hrs
Thursday 14 December - ZOOM 0930 - 1300hrs
Thursday 21 December - Zoom 0930 - 1300hrs
Thursday 18 January - Zoom 0930 - 1300hrs
Wednesday 31 January - ZOOM 0930 - 1300hrs
Tuesday 13 February - Zoom 0930 - 1300hrs
Wednesday 28 February - Zoom 0930 - 1300hrs
Thursday 14 March - Zoom 0930 - 1300hrs
Thursday 28 March - Zoom 0930 - 1300hrs
To register - change link

Register for the Register for the Unconscious Bias and Institutional Racism course

Have any questions or need help?

Email educationcentre.admin@bopdhb.govt.nz

Ph 07 579 8360/07 579 8557 (Tauranga)
Ph 07 306 0705 (Whakatāne)