News and notices Pānui
Tech ready for businesses and events to open up for summer
23 November 2021
Businesses and events will be set for summer, with the free NZ Pass Verifier app to scan and verify My Vaccine Passes now available to download, Minister for COVID-19 Response Chris Hipkins said today.

“New Zealand will move into the traffic light system (COVID-19 Protection Framework) from Friday 3 December, and the release of the NZ Pass Verifier app is another step for businesses and organisations to prepare for this next phase in our COVID response,” Chris Hipkins said.
“The app helps give business certainty that they can quickly manage vaccine certificates and make sure they can easily check that their customers are all fully vaccinated.”
The NZ Verifier app can be downloaded from the Apple and Google Play app stores today.
“The app is ideal for any organisation that needs to verify customers’ vaccination status. Hospitality venues, close-contact businesses, large gatherings, events, air transport and gyms are just some of the types of businesses that will need to verify customer’s vaccination status if they wish to operate in higher risk levels under the COVID-19 Protection Framework.
“For customers entering a business requiring proof of vaccination status, their My Vaccine Pass will be scanned by the verifier app. The verifier will show a green tick recognising the official QR code that is embedded into the customer’s pass.
“It will show quickly that the person is fully vaccinated or has the appropriate exemption and can enter their premises. Importantly, the verifier app does not store a person’s data or see any information other than a person’s name and date of birth.
“Technical guidance for NZ Pass Verifier is available on the Ministry of Health website and additional guidance for businesses using the verifier under the COVID Protection Framework will be out later this week. People will also be able to call 0800 800606 for assistance.
“Further work is being undertaken to accommodate events that expect large volumes of people at a time – such as stadiums, festivals, or large tourism operators.
“Earlier this month, the Ministry published technical specifications for My Vaccine Pass and its verification. Some companies will integrate the technology into existing digital journeys or pre-verification ticketing processes.
“Essential services such as supermarkets, access to health and disability services and primary and secondary education facilities cannot ask for proof of verification status and will not require a NZ Pass Verifier.
“As My Vaccine Pass and its verification become part of everyday habits, we’re also asking people to keep using the tools we already have in place to protect us from COVID-19. Mask up, keep your distance and use your COVID Tracer app,” Chris Hipkins said.
“Nearly 1.4 million My Vaccine Passes have been generated so far. For those who haven’t taken the step yet, we encourage you to do so.
“This week we’re also publicising sector guidance for businesses to successfully transition to the traffic light system.”
Media contact: Richard Trow, 021 278 7233