News and notices Pānui

BOPDHB interim Board Chair announcement

12 March 2020

Following Sir Michael Cullen's sad announcement that, as of Sunday (8 March), he has had to step down as Board Chair due to health reasons I wanted to update you about what is happening now, and in the future, regarding the Board Chair position for the Bay of Plenty District Health Board (BOPDHB). 

BOPDHB interim Board Chair announcement
Sharon Shea interim Board Chair

I wanted to take this opportunity to give some assurance and clarity about the next steps. The natural process in a situation where the Chair has had to stand down at short notice is that the Deputy Chair steps up to the role of Chair for an interim period. 

The Minister of Health, Hon Dr David Clark, has indicated that this is the process he would like followed at the BOPDHB. 

As such, our Deputy Chair Sharon Shea has agreed to take up the position of Chair for an interim period. I would like to emphasise that this appointment is, as stated, only for the interim until such time as a new appointment is made. 

The process which will lead to a permanent appointment is underway and more details about this will follow in due course.

Simon Everitt