NETP/NESP Programs
NETP/NESP Programs
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About the NETP/NESP programmes
Recruitment process for NETP/NESP graduates for the 2024 intake will be based on a dynamic Bay of Plenty specific matrix. This will include reference reviews with the primary preceptor/CNM or team representative from your final transition placement. We will not be doing any formal interviews; however, we may do some phone/zoom interviews. You will be notified directly if this is the case.
We are interested in knowing how you will contribute to our organisational values, a little about why you have chosen the Bay of Plenty as your preferred option for your NETP/NESP year and why doing a NETP programme is important to you?
We are developing the NETP/NESP programme for 2024 based on graduates qualitative and quantitative feedback in 2021/2022.
The NETP in part, will consist of 12 professional development days that will build on your undergraduate knowledge and experiences.
The NETP programme in 2024 will not include a formal post graduate paper.
The NESP programme in 2024/2025 will include completion of a post graduate certificate.
Te Whatu Ora Health - New Zealand Hauora a Toi Bay of Plenty offers 12-month Nurse Entry to Practice (NETP) and Nurse Entry to Specialist Practice (NESP) placements across the district.
Our aim is to provide graduate nurses a time of transition within a supportive learning environment, where knowledge and clinical skills can be consolidated to enable new graduates to practice confidently and safely within the Registered Nurse Scope of Practice Manaakitanga CARE values of Compassion, All-one-team, Responsiveness and Excellence. We believe in nurses leading nursing and are an early leader in the implementation of Care Capacity Demand Management (CCDM). We are also working towards being the first genuinely Te Tiriti o Waitangi-led district, making movement towards this by adopting and endorsing Te Toi Ahorangi 2030 strategy of Te Runanga Hauora Māori o Te Moana a Toi, a strategy developed with the local whānau, hapū, iwi and Hauora provider representatives.
Enrolled Nurse Supported-into Practice Programme (EN SIPP):
We also offer a 12-month programme for new enrolled nurses. The intakes and start dates for this are negotiable. Please apply via the ACE link and contact Kelsey Curtis for further information
Come and join us in the Bay of Plenty and you can enjoy:
- a wide range of diversity in our patient population
- working a 0.8 FTE, allowing for focus on professional development and consolidation of learning
- no nightshifts during your orientation months counselling is available through the hospital-funded Employer Assistance Programme (EAP)
- low-cost onsite gymnasium at both hospitals with an exciting range of classes
- cultural supervision is available for graduates identifying as Māori or Pasifika
- supportive team with a dedicated NETP clinical coach and Kaupapa Nurse Educator for clinical and pastoral support
- access to wide range of evidence-based practice resources
- professional development opportunities
- a range of placements available across services
- all graduates will be engaged on permanent employment agreement on successful completion of the programme (Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand Hauora a Toi Bay of Plenty does retain the ultimate right to assign nurses to areas of need)
- graduates who successfully complete the NETP requirements will be supported to apply for funding to commence their PG Certificate in their second year of practice
- 12 dedicated professional development days with guaranteed release time for NETP
- the NESP programme offers a PCPG certificate consisting of 2 level 8 papers through University of Auckland (UOA) funded by Te Pou.
Our placements include:
- Tauranga and Whakatāne Hospital
- Nurse Entry to Specialty Programme (NESP) - Mental Health and Addiction Services
- if you are interested in any of the following providers; Primary Care including Practice Nursing, Iwi Providers, School Nursing, Aged Residential Care or Hospice please contact us for further information.
Tauranga Hospital
- Medical
- Surgical
- Health in Ageing
- Paediatrics
- Emergency department
- Wāhanga Piripoho / Neonatal Unit / Post-natal
- District nursing
- Assessment planning unit
- Medical Day stay unit
- Outpatient department
- Operating theatres
- Pre assessment unit
- Surgical admission unit
Whakatāne Hospital
- Medical
- Surgical
- Outpatient department
- Paediatrics
- Acute Care unit (ICU)
- Emergency department
- Surgical admission unit
- Operating theatre
- District Nursing
- Wāhanga Piripoho / Neonatal Unit / Maternity
NESP will provide a rotation of intpatient and community, each consisting of 12 months over a two year period.
The postgraduate certificate is completed in the first year whilst in an inpatient setting for 12 months and will be within one of our 3 acute inpatient units. In the second year, you will be supported in a transitional placement in a community setting for one year.
These placements can be either in Whakatāne or Tauranga campus and include:
- CHILD and Adolescent mental health services
- Adult Community mental health services
- Infant and Maternal Mental heallth
- Consultation Laiison Psychiatry service
- Mental health services for older people
We are motivated to your professional development, offering a range of informal and formal professional development opportunities through our clinical education team.
As a Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand RN, you will submit an e-portfolio at RN Competent Level before completing the programme. Resources including access to are provided to support you.
Nurses who have completed or are in their final year of a NCNZ accredited Bachelor of Nursing to become a New Zealand Registered Nurse.
You will need to rank your preferred clinical areas and we will do our best to accommodate preferences with available placements.
Apply here via the ACE application portal (
Contact our NETP/NETSP coordinators
Kelsey Curtis
Nurse Coordinator NETP Programme
Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand
Hauora a Toi Bay of Plenty
Claire McGowan Blair
Nurse Leader/NESP Coordinator
Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand
Hauora a Toi Bay of Plenty