Our FREE oral health and dental care services
On this page
- About our FREE oral health and dental care
- School dental clinics (5 to 12-year-olds)
- Dentists for adolescents (13 to 17-year-olds)
- Emergency dental clinics for children
- Dental clinics for children referred by a therapist
- Dental clinics that provide WINZ quotes (for adults)
- Emergency Dental Clinics for Community Services Card holders (for adults)
About our FREE oral health and dental care
Oral health and dental care is FREE for eligible children/tamariki in the Bay of Plenty.
Our coordinators can help help you get free care for pre-schoolers and adolescents.
Children’s dental services include FREE dental checks, preventing and repairing decay if required.
Our staff regularly visit many early childhood centres and schools across the region.
How to enrol
It’s easy to enrol, free call 0800 825 583 (0800 TALK TEETH) or use our referral form.
0-4 years dental enrolment request form [PDF, 842KB]
Enrolment can also be discussed with your child's doctor, practice nurse, Well Child/Tamariki Ora provider or public health nurse.
Other ways to get enrolment information
- Visit your local Community Dental Clinic, more information can be found here
- Discuss enrolment with your child's doctor, practice nurse, Well Child/Tamariki Ora provider or public health nurse
- Visit your local Community Dental clinic or mobile unit
- Contact your Early Childhood Education Centre for an 0 - 4 Enrolment Request card
- Contact your Oral Health Promoter.
The dental care experience
English version
Te reo version
Importance of healthy teeth
Community clinics
Find a community dental clinic.
Baby teeth are important
Teething is a normal part of every child's development. It starts when the first baby tooth cuts through the gum, at about six months.
Baby teeth are important, not only for chewing food - they contribute to self-esteem, confidence, appearance and proper speech. The baby teeth also hold spaces for, and guide the position of adult teeth.
If baby teeth are removed ahead of their natural time to fall out, space for the adult teeth may be lost.
This can cause crooked and crowding of the adult teeth, which can lead to other problems. Healthy baby teeth set the stage for healthy adult teeth.
Early childhood caries (tooth decay) and feeding
Early Childhood Caries (tooth decay) refers to the gradually break down of a baby tooth that develops when bacteria and sugars appear together.
The bacterium in plaque reacts with sugar consumed in the daily diet to produce an acid that attacks the minerals in teeth. Each time you eat or drink, acid can attack the teeth for 20 minutes or longer after the last exposure to sugar. After many attacks, tooth decay can develop.
About one in ten children get tooth decay (Early Childhood Caries) before they are two years old.
Baby teeth are not as strong as adult teeth. The enamel is thinner and the teeth are smaller, so anything that causes decay in adult teeth will decay a lot faster in a baby's tooth.
The most common cause of tooth decay is placing a baby in bed at night with a bottle of milk or sweetened liquid. The milk or liquid clings to the teeth all night. Tooth decay begins! Keep baby safe, by holding baby and bottle while feeding.
In rare circumstances, babies who are breastfed throughout the night over a long time are also at risk. A sweetened pacifier (dummy) can also cause early childhood tooth decay.
The early childhood decay in these toddlers has a typical pattern. It usually is noticed near the gum line of the upper front teeth.
Check for early signs of tooth decay and keep the teeth healthy by avoiding sweetening pacifiers (dummies) or putting babies to bed with bottles.
Occasionally when illness or other disturbance affects growing teeth, the quality of the tooth enamel is poor. Such teeth can decay more easily.
If you feel your baby is showing these signs, please get treatment and help straight away.
What causes tooth decay
There are a number of things that can cause tooth decay:
- Eating and drinking lots of sugary snacks and sugary drinks such as soft drinks, cakes, lollies and some carbohydrates.
- Not brushing teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste.
- Low availability of fluoride. The level of dental caries in five year old children is approximately 20 -30% lower in areas with fluoridated water.
- Bacteria transferred from mother or other person's saliva to infant eg feeding spoons, pre-masticating food, kissing on the mouth, cleaning infant's pacifier by putting it in her mouth.
- The tooth mineral structure of an individual.
- Medication - Prolonged use of antibiotics inhibits tooth development. Medication such as inhalers can cause dry mouth.
Oral health workshops
We provide Oral Health Workshops for groups interested in learning more about oral health.
For more information please phone 0800 825 583 (0800 TALK TEETH)
Our Community Dental Service operates examiniation and treatment services from six fixed-site clinics based in the following schools
Otumoetai Primary
Greerton Village School
Tauranga Intermediate
Arataki School
Te Puke Intermediate
Whakatāne Intermediate
The examination and treatment services are from the following mobile dental units
Te Waka Niho Tuarua
Te Waka Niho Tuatoru
Te Waka Niho Tuawha
Te Waka Niho Tuarima
Te Waka Niho Tuaono
Te Waka Niho Tuawaru
Te Waka Niho Tuaiwa
Te Waka Niho o Mataatua
Te Niho Hau Ora A Toi
Te Tahinga O Te Ra
Examination services are available from the Diagnostic Unit. Appointments for treatment after an examination are available at a fixed-site clinic. For all other enquiries, phone 0800 825 583 (0800 TALKTEETH) to find out how to access the service.
Our Community Dental Service has a sub-contracted service with Te Manu Toroa which is delivered by the mobile dental unit Te Waka Niho Tuatahi for:
Merivale School
Maketu School
Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Te Matai
Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Otepou
Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Kura Kokori
Te Kura o Matapihi
Te Kura O Te Moutere o Matakana
If your child has been enrolled in the service prior to age five the service will match their school enrolment details and transfer them to the clinic or mobile for the school they are attending.
If your child is between five years old and Year 8 and has had no previous enrolment with our Community Dental Service or Te Manu Toroa please contact 0800 825 583 (0800 TALKTEETH) to find out if your child is eligible to be enrolled into the service.
A limited school holiday service is available for emergency care
Parents are encouraged and welcome to attend all appointments with their children.
Adolescents, from age thirteen until they turn eighteen, are entitled to their free basic dental care from dentists who are contracted with Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand Hauora a Toi Bay of Plenty.
The year eight transfer process
During year 8, before students complete their final treatment with the community dental service at school, they will be given a list of dentists who will be able to provide free basic care until the student turns 18.
When they have their final visit with the school dental therapist the year 8 students will be asked if they know the name of the dentist in their community they want to be transferred to for ongoing free care, until they turn eighteen.
Please advise your child about the name of your family dentist. If you are unsure about the dentist you wish them to use, please find a dentist here.
College Mobile Dental Services - WBOP
The following colleges are serviced by mobile dental units serviced by Te Manu Toroa or Dental Associates Pāpāmoa
These are:
- Tauranga Boys and Tauranga Girls
- For more information phone 027 298 9741 or go to: temanutoroa.org.nz/dental/teenage
- Otumoetai College and Pāpāmoa College
For more information phone 027 298 9741 or go to: temanutoroa.org.nz/dental/teenage - Te Puke High School
For more information phone 07 574 0214 or for the Mobile Dental Surgery 027 591 4820 - Mount Maunganui College
For more information phone 07 574 3844 - Te Manu Toroa Kaupapa Māori Dental Service is also available in the Western Bay of Plenty Kura Kaupapa Māori. See their website: temanutoroa.org.nz
For any further information contact 07 557 5527
Back-up treatment for the College Mobile Dental Providers
Written communication should be provided to all the parents /caregivers of students who have enrolled with the College Mobile Dental Providers.
This communication should clearly outline where students enrolled with the College Mobile Dental Providers can receive back-up treatment during periods when their College Mobile Dental service is not available at their college.
- The Mobile Adolescent Dental Service covering Tauranga Boys, Tauranga Girls, Pāpāmoa College and Otumoetai College; phone 027 298 9741 or 027 807 2038. Back-up treatment when the service is not at the college will be available at Pyes Pa Dental Service, phone 07-577 1477.
- Te Manu Toroa Kaupapa Māori Service covering Te Puke High School. For back-up treatment when the service is not at the college, phone: 07 5740 214 or for the Mobile Dental Surgery 027 591 4820
- Bay Mobile Dental Service Mount Maunganui College. This service is provided by Russell Emerson. Phone: 0800 468 338 (0800 GO TEETH)
For further information phone us on 0800 825 583 (0800 Talk Teeth)
Dental care when leaving school before age eighteen
Free basic dental care is available for all youth below the age of eighteen if they are enrolled in school or if they no longer attend school.
Youth wanting to receive free treatment before their 18th birthday
Please contact a dentist from the Western BOP contact list or phone 0800 825 583 (0800 TALK TEETH).
Using this FREE service ensures that they enter adulthood with a bright, healthy smile, which may reduce the need for expensive care after they turn eighteen.
Emergency Dental Services for Children and Adolescents
Contact your local oral health provider. If this service is unavailable (eg. Closed due to school holidays):
- Call 0800 825 583 (0800 TALK TEETH) for information about open holidays clinics
- Contact your own family dentist
If you are not registered with a dentist then contact a dentist from the list of providers of Emergency Dental Care for Children and Adolescents here.
The year eight transfer process
Youth from age thirteen until they turn eighteen are still entitled to their free basic dental care from dentists who are contracted with Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand Hauora a Toi Bay of Plenty.
Using this FREE service ensures that they enter adulthood with a bright, healthy smile, which may reduce the need for expensive care after they turn 18.
During year eight, before students complete their final treatment with the community dental service at school, they will be given a list of dentists who will be able to provide free basic care until the youth turns eighteen.
When the year eight child have chosen a dentist, their choice will be entered into a database by the dental therapist at the child's last visit. The adolescent oral health promoter will receive these students' details from the database at the end of that year.
These details will be transferred to the chosen dentists in mid-January the following year. These dentists will then work through their transfer list and invite the students to enrol with them for treatment.
- For further information phone us on 0800 825 583 (0800 Talk Teeth)
Dental care when leaving school before age eighteen
Free basic dental care is available for all youths below the age of 18if they are enrolled in school or if they no longer attend school.
Youth wanting to receive free treatment before their 18th birthday
Find available clinics in the Eastern bay or phone 0800 825 583 (0800 Talk Teeth).
Transferring year 8 students to a contracting dentist
Information for parents/caregivers:
During year 8, before children complete their final treatment with the Community Dental Service, they will be given a list of dentists who will be able to provide free basic care until the child turns 18.
When they have their final visit with the school dental therapist the child will be asked if they know the name of the dentist in their community they want to be transferred to for ongoing free care, until they turn 18.
Please advise your child about the name of your family dentist. If you are unsure about the dentist you wish them to use, please find available clinics in the Eastern bay.
Emergency dental services for children and adolescents
Contact your local oral health provider. If this service is unavailable (e.g., closed due to school holidays):
- Contact 0800 TALK TEETH- 0800 825 583 for information about open holidays clinics
- Contact your own family dentist
If you are not registered with a dentist, contact a dental clinic from one of our emergency dental clinics.
Related information/resources
School dental clinics (5 to 12-year-olds)
If you are after emergency dental care, please see our emergency dental care section.
Our lists are updated weekly with community dental clinics that are open and provide care for children in the Bay of Plenty.
For further help and advice please call free 0800 825 583 (0800 TALKTEETH).
Clinic | Address/school | Phone | Status |
Arataki School | 4 Kaimanawa Street, Mt Maunganui |
07 575 3498 | OPEN |
Greerton Village | 151 Greerton Road, Greerton |
07 571 5423 |
Otumoetai Primary | 236 Otumoetai Road, Otumoetai |
07 576 6752 | OPEN |
Tauranga Intermediate | 24, 18th Avenue, Tauranga |
07 578 3070 | OPEN |
Te Puke Intermediate | 133 Cameron Road, Te Puke |
07 573 6310 | OPEN |
Diagnostic Unit | 021 241 8053 | OPEN | |
Pakiri Ana Nga Niho | 027 200 1215 | OPEN | |
Te Waka Niho Mataatua | 027 228 6466 | OPEN Tues - Frid | |
Te U o Te Rangi | 027 303 5416 | OPEN | |
Te Waka Niho Tuarua | 021 242 6668 |
Te Waka Niho Tuawaru | Te Puna School, 225 Te Puna Road, Te Puna | 027 742 8588 |
Te Waka Niho Tuawhitu | 021 284 7179 | OPEN | |
Te Waka Niho Tuawha | Taumata School, Kennedy Road, Pyes Pa | 021 228 9378 | OPEN |
Te Waka Niho Tuaono | 027 7064 210 | OPEN | |
Waka Whakamenemene Tamaiti | 027 393 2942 | OPEN | |
Te Waka Niho Tuatahi | 027 254 9060 | OPEN | |
Te Waka Niho |
Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Te Matai, 309 State Highway 2, Te Puke |
027 591 4820 | OPEN |
Te Akau Hauora Dental | 35e Hartford Avenue, Papamoa | 07 574 0214 | OPEN |
Te Manu Toroa Adolescent Unit | Te Puke High School, 19 Tui Street, Te Puke | 027 807 2038 | OPEN |
Clinic | Address/school | Phone | Status |
Whakatāne Intermediate | 105 James Street, Whakatāne | 07 307 1548 | OPEN |
Te Tahinga O Te Ra | 021 244 8925 | OPEN M | |
Te Niho Hauora a Toi |
027 296 9624 | OPEN |
Te Waka Niho Tuarima |
Te Kura Mana Maori o Whangaparaoa, 11555 State Highway 35, Cape Runaway |
021 028 72760 | OPEN |
Te Waka Niho Tuatoru | 027 457 2216 | OPEN |
Dentists for adolescents (13 to 17-year-olds)
Clinic | Dentist(s) | Address | Phone |
Tauranga |
Adrian Cable Dental (will only enrol new students if other family members are enrolled with this dentist) |
Adrian Cable | 2 Willow St, Tauranga | 07 578 4984 |
Baywide Smiles Greerton | Min-Suk Lee (Paul) | 5/ 1334 Cameron Rd, Greerton |
07 578 4622 |
The Tooth Fairy Dental Bethlehem | Belinda Butler, Meletta Chow | State Highway 2, Bethlehem | 07 579 1323 |
Lumino Bethlehem Dentists | Nicolaas Theron | 16 Bethlehem Road, Bethlehem |
07 579 1669 |
Team Dental Te Puna | Gordon McMullen | 4/C Te Puna Road Te Puna | 07 222 0597 |
Complete Dental | Shailendra Kumar Jain | 205 Chadwick Rd, Greerton | 07 578 7215 |
Corson Dental (will only enrol new students if other family members are enrolled with this dentist) |
Jennifer Corson | 2 Willow St, Tauranga | 07 578 3243 |
Elizabeth St Dental | John Thomson, Richard Thompson, April Hyland, Janaya Woodmass | 12 Elizabeth St, Tauranga | 07 578 6228 |
ER Dental | Shivaani Krishnan | 52 Seventh Avenue West, Tauranga | 07 578 3305 |
Lumino Willow Dental Centre | Terry Dunne, Sarah Bronte | 2 Willow St, Tauranga | 07 578 6096 |
Mobile Adolescent Dental Service (Te Manu Toroa) |
Julie Gilmour | Tauranga Boys College Tauranga Girls College Otumoetai College | 027 298 9741 027 807 2038 |
Te Manu Toroa Kaupapa Māori Dental Unit Te Waka Niho | Jane Grierson | Only for rangatahi who go on to Te Whare Kura o Mauao Bethlehem | 027 591 4820 |
Team Dental 16th Avenue | Jaskirat Singh | 131 Sixteenth Ave Tauranga | 07 578 4607 |
Tauranga Dental House | Lauran Spyker, Kane Zhao | 8 Willow St, Tauranga | 07 578 9849 |
Team Dental Greerton |
Brett Marshall | 1426 Cameron Road, Tauranga | 07 281 1032 |
The Dentists | Graeme Lynam, Alastair Miller, Kailey Hopper | 344 Otumoetai Road, Otumoetai | 07 5764895 or 07 5763109 |
Welcome Bay Dental Care | Rupinder Kaur | 33 Hairini St, Welcome Bay | 07 544 6080 |
Duncan Dental | Stewart Duncan | 220 Lakes Boulevard, Pyes Pa | 07 578 5221 |
Aquinas College Mobile Dental Services (for Aquinas College students only) |
Katrina Gaskell | Aquinas College |
07 574 3844 |
Mt Maunganui |
The Tooth Fairy Dental - Mount | Tom Urie, Dale Benic, Kevin Ogle | 5 Nikau Crescent, Mt Maunganui |
07 575 6278 |
Mount Maunganui College Mobile Dental Services (for Mount College students only) |
John Falkiner | Mount Maunganui College | 07 574 3844 |
Pāpāmoa |
Dental Associates Pāpāmoa | Alex Santos, Namrita Mesuria, John Falkiner |
26c Gravatt Rd, Pāpāmoa Beach 3117 |
07 574 3844 |
Mobile Adolescent Dental Services (Te Manu Toroa) |
Julie Gilmour | Pāpāmoa College | 027 807 2038 |
Te Manu Toroa Dental Service | Julie Cole | Te Akau Hauora, 35e Hartford Ave, Pāpāmoa | 07 574 0214 |
Team Dental Pāpāmoa |
Michael Simon | Excelsa Medical Centre, 5 Golden Sands Drive, Pāpāmoa |
07 542 4230 |
Pāpāmoa Dental Centre | Stephen Houston | 532 Papamoa Beach Rd, Pāpāmoa | 07 542 2294 |
Tooth Fairy – Pāpāmoa | Christina Oude-Alink | 3 Palm Spring Boulevard, Pāpāmoa | 07 575 6278 |
Beyond Dental | Jordan Walsh | 7/33 Toorea Street, Papamoa Beach | 07 987 2825 |
Tara Road Dental Papamoa (will only enrol new students if other family members are enrolled with this dentist) |
Lloyd Farrar | 1G Tara Road, Papamoa Beach, Papamoa | 07 579 5291 |
Te Puke |
Tooth Fairy - Kings Building | Felicity Leou | Kings Building, Jellicoe St, Te Puke | 07 573 7818 |
Mobile Adolescent Dental Services (Te Manu Toroa) |
Julie Gilmour | Te Puke High School | 027 807 2038 |
The Tooth Fairy Dental - Te Puke (Queen St branch) | Catherine Hicks | 21 Queen Street, Te Puke |
07 573 8738 |
The Tooth Fairy Dental - Te Puke | Joy Dawson | 07 573 7856 | 19 Jellicoe St, Te Puke |
Katikati |
Katikati Family Dental Centre | Nuha Al-Shamma | 22 Main Rd, Katikati | 07 549 1111 |
Katikati Gentle Dental Care | Tom Stone | Regent Arcade, 17 Main Rd, Katikati | 07 549 3262 |
Team Dental Katikati | Juliana Hughes Brown | 19A Carisbrook St, Katikati | 07 549 5454 |
Omokoroa |
Ōmokoroa Dental Surgery | James Eastcote | 170 Ōmokoroa Rd, Ōmokoroa | 07 548 2320 |
Waihi |
Waihi Family Dental Centre | Donna Fisher | 6 School Lane, Waihi |
07 863 7272 |
Clinic | Dentist(s) | Address | Phone |
Kawerau |
Absolute Dental | Shash Patel | Tarawera Court, Kawerau | 07 323 6530 |
Tarawera College Mobile Dental Services (for Tarawera College Kawerau students only).
Katrina Gaskell | Tarawera College, Kawerau | |
Whakatāne |
Dental HQ | Frances Joseph, Sharlene Judd | 19 Pohutukawa Ave, Ohope | 07 312 6330 |
East Bay Dental Whakatāne | Nicholas Twaddle, Laura Gray, Shelley Jones, Stephen Shepherd, Kara Hughes, Josie Tubb | 9 Simpkins St, Whakatāne | 07 308 5279 |
Lumino Dental Whakatāne | Scott Sisam | 32 Landing Rd, Whakatāne | 07 308 8585 |
Phoenix House Dental Centre | Richard Otley, Dalila Gabb | Phoenix House, Pyne St, Whakatāne | 07 308 7469 |
Whakatāne Dental Centre | Paul Isaac | 9 James Street, Whakatāne | 07 308 9998 |
Ōpōtiki |
East Bay Dental | James Choo, James Joung | 82 Bridge Street, Ōpōtiki | 07 315 6124 |
Rotorua |
Absolute Dental Rotorua (Murupara Whanau) | Shash Patel | 164 Old Taupo Rd, Rotorua | 07 348 3882 |
Absolute Dental Ngongotaha | Shash Patel | 284 Ngongotaha Rd, Rotorua | 07 357 2280 |
Our community dental services can provide care for year 9 students until they turn 18 through the Mobile Dental Unit. This service can be accessed at the schools listed below when the mobile dental unit visits.
This service is available only on individual cases if attending the nearest dental provider is not an option.
Please contact your local Oral Health Promoter on 0800 825 583 or 07 306 0779 for more information.
Mobile dental clinic | Location | Phone |
Edgecumbe College | 100 College Rd, Edgecumbe 3120 | 07 304 8211 |
Te Kura o Te Whanau a Apanui | 6870 SHW 35 Te Kaha RD3, Opotiki | 07 325 2040 |
Te Kura Mana Maori o Huiarau | 98 School Rd, Ruatahuna | 07 366 3391 |
Te Wharekura o Ruatoki | Mission Rd, RD1, Whakatāne 3120 | 07 312 9156 |
Te Kura Mana Māori o Whangaparaoa | RD3, Cape Runaway, Ōpōtiki 3199 | 07 325 3686 |
Te Whanau-a-Apanui Area School Te Kaha | State Highway 35, Te Kaha 3199 | 07 325 2845 |
Te Kura Kaupapa Motuhake o Tawhiuau | 43 Miro Drive, Murupara 3025 | 07 366 5817 |
Te Kura Toitu o Te Whaiti Nui A Toi | 49 Minginui Rd, Te Whaiti | 07 366 3221 |
Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Orini ki Ngati Awa | 1 Taiwhakaea Rd, RD1, Whakatāne 3120 | 07 308 2010 |
Emergency dental clinics for children
For all dental related accidents under ACC, contact your local dentist or a listed dentist below.
If your child has dental related pain contact:
- Community Dental Service on 0800 TALK TEETH (0800 825 583) Monday to Friday 8.00am to 4.30pm
- After hours or during school holidays, please contact your family dentist or a dentist listed below.
Clinic | Dentist(s) | Phone | Address |
Adrian Cable Dental (will only enrol new students if other family members are enrolled with this dentist) |
Adrian Cable | 07 578 4984 | 2 Willow St, Tauranga |
Baywide Smiles Greerton |
Min-Suk Lee (Paul) | 07 578 4622 | 5/ 1334 Cameron Rd, Greerton |
Corson Dental (will only enrol new students if other family members are enrolled with this dentist) |
Jennifer Corson | 07 578 3243 | 2 Willow St, Tauranga |
Lumino Bethlehem Dentists | Nicolas Theron | 07 579 1669 | 16 Bethlehem Road Bethlehem |
Duncan Dental | Stewart Duncan | 07 578 5221 | 220 Lakes Boulevard, Pyes Pa |
Complete Dental Care | Shailendra Kumur Jain | 07 578 7215 | 205 Chadwick Rd, Tauranga |
Elizabeth Street Dental | John Thomson, Richard Thompson, April Hyland, Janaya Woodmass | 07 578 6228 | 12 Elizabeth St, Tauranga |
Ōmokoroa Dental Surgery | James Eastcote | 07 548 2320 0800 373 338 | 170 Ōmokoroa Rd, Ōmokoroa |
Tauranga Dental House | Lauran Spyker, Kane Zhao | 07 578 9849 | 8 Willow St, Tauranga |
Team Dental Tauranga |
Brett Marshall | 07 571 1230 | Accident And Emergency Centre 19 Second Ave, Tauranga |
Team Dental 16th Ave | Jaskirat Singh | 07 578 4607 |
131 Sixteenth Ave Tauranga |
Team Dental Greerton |
Brett Marshall | 07 281 1032 | 1426 Cameron Road, Tauranga |
Welcome Bay Dental Care | Rupinder Kaur | 07 544 6080 | 33 Hairini St, Welcome Bay |
The Dentists | Graeme Lynam, Alastair Miller, Kailey Hopper |
07 5764895 or 07 5763109 |
344 Otumoetai Road, Otumoetai |
Team Dental Te Puna | Gordon McMullen |
07 222 0597 |
4/C Te Puna Road Te Puna |
Pāpāmoa |
Dental Associates Pāpāmoa | Alex Santos, Namrita Mesuria, John Falkiner |
07 574 3844 | 26c Gravatt Rd, Pāpāmoa Beach |
Team Dental Pāpāmoa | Michael Simon | 07 542 4230 | Excelsa Medical Centre, 5 Golden Sands Drive, Pāpāmoa |
Beyond Dental | Jordan Walsh |
07 987 2825 |
7/33 Toorea Street, Papamoa Beach |
Katikati |
Katikati Gentle Dental Care | Tom Stone | 07 549 3262 | Regent Arcade, Main Rd, Katikati |
Waihi |
Waihi Family Dental Centre | Donna Fisher | 07 863 7272 | 6 School Lane, Waihi |
Clinic | Dentist(s) | Phone | Address |
Kawerau |
Absolute Dental | Shash Patel | 07 323 6530 | Tarawera Court, Kawerau |
Ōpōtiki |
East Bay Dental | James Choo, Shayden Bell | 07 315 6124 | 82 Bridge Street, Ōpōtiki |
Whakatāne |
Eastbay Dental | John Twaddle | 07 308 5279 | 9 Simpkins Street, Whakatāne |
Whakatāne Dental Centre | Paul Isaac | 07 308 2473 | 9 James Street, Whakatāne |
Phoenix House Dental | Richard Otley, Dalila Gabb | 07 308 7469 | Phoenix House, Pyne St, Whakatāne |
Rotorua |
Absolute Dental | Shash Patel | 07 348 3882 | Old Taupo Road, Rotorua |
Absolute Dental | Shash Patel | 07 357 2280 | 284 Ngongotaha Rd, Rotorua |
Dental clinics for children referred by a therapist
Dental clinics that provide care for children that have a referral letter from a school dental therapist or oral health therapist.
Clinic | Dentist(s) | Phone | Address |
Tauranga |
Adrian Cable Dental (will only enrol new students if other family members are enrolled with this dentist) |
Adrian Cable | 07 578 4984 | 2 Willow St, Tauranga |
Baywide Smiles Greerton |
Min-Suk Lee (Paul) | 07 578 4622 | 5/ 1334 Cameron Rd, Greerton |
Complete Dental Care | Shailendra Kumur Jain | 07 578 7215 | 205 Chadwick Rd, Tauranga |
Corson Dental (will only enrol new students if other family members are enrolled with this dentist) |
Jennifer Corson | 07 578 3243 |
2 Willow St, Tauranga |
Elizabeth Street Dental | John Thomson, April Hyland, Janaya Woodmass | 07 578 6228 | 12 Elizabeth St, Tauranga |
Team Dental Greerton | Brett Marshall | 07 281 1032 | 1426 Cameron Rd, Tauranga |
Tauranga Dental House | Lauran Spyker | 07 578 9849 | 8 Willow St, Tauranga |
Welcome Bay Dental Care | Rupinder Kaur | 07 544 6080 | 33 Hairini St, Welcome Bay |
Duncan Dental | Stewart Duncan | 07 578 5221 | 220 Lakes Boulevard, Pyes Pa |
The Dentists | Graeme Lynam, Alastair Miller, Sally Sun | 07 5764895 or 07 5763109 | 344 Otumoetai Road, Otumoetai |
Lumino Bethlehem Dentists | Nicolas Theron | 07 579 1669 | 16 Bethlehem Road, Bethlehem |
Team Dental Te Puna | Gordon McMullen | 07 222 0597 | 4/C Te Puna Road Te Puna |
Team Dental 16th Avenue | Jaskirat Singh | 07 578 4607 | 131 Sixteenth Ave Tauranga |
Pāpāmoa |
Dental Associates Pāpāmoa | Alex Santos, Namrita Mesuria, John Falkiner |
07 574 3844 | 26c Gravatt Rd, Pāpāmoa Beach |
Katikati |
Katikati Gentle Dental Care | Tom Stone | 07 549 3262 | Regent Arcade, Main Rd, Katikati |
Waihi |
Waihi Family Dental Centre | Donna Fisher | 07 863 7272 | 6 School Lane, Waihi |
Clinic | Dentist(s) | Phone | Address |
Kawerau |
Absolute Dental | Shash Patel | 07 323 6530 | Tarawera Court, Kawerau |
Ōpōtiki |
East Bay Dental | James Choo, Shayden Bell | 07 315 6124 | 82 Bridge St, Ōpōtiki |
Whakatāne |
Eastbay Dental | John Twaddle | 07 308 5279 | 9 Simpkins Street, Whakatāne |
Whakatāne Dental Centre | Paul Isaac | 07 308 2473 | 9 James Street, Whakatāne |
Phoenix House Dental | Richard Otley, Dalila Gabb | 07 308 7469 | Phoenix House, Pyne St, Whakatāne |
Rotorua |
Absolute Dental | Shash Patel | 07 348 3882 | Old Taupo Road, Rotorua |
Absolute Dental | Shash Patel | 07 357 2280 | 284 Ngongotaha Rd, Rotorua |
Dental clinics that provide WINZ quotes (for adults)
Dentists that provide WINZ quotes for Community Service Card holders or low-income adults who may be eligible for WINZ payment assistance are listed below.
For more information about WINZ eligibility visit workandincome.govt.nz
Clinic | Dentist(s) | Address | Phone |
Tauranga |
Adrian Cable Dental | Adrian Cable | 2 Willow St, Tauranga |
07 578 4984 |
Baywide Smiles Greerton | Min-Suk Lee (Paul) | 5/ 1334 Cameron Rd, Greerton |
07 578 4622 |
The Tooth Fairy Dental Bethlehem | Belinda Butler, Meletta Chow | State Highway 2, Bethlehem |
07 579 1323 |
Lumino Bethlehem Dentists | Johan Louw | 16 Bethlehem Road, Bethlehem |
07 579 1669 |
Complete Dental | Shailendra Kumar Jain | 205 Chadwick Rd, Greerton |
07 578 7215 |
Lumino City Dental on the Park |
Linda Reithofer-Taylor, Ryan Smagalski, Baris Alhan, Adele Fletcher |
14 Cameron Road, Tauranga |
07 578 8325 |
Corson Dental | Jennifer Corson | 2 Willow St, Tauranga |
07 578 3243 |
Elizabeth St Dental | John Thomson, Richard Thompson, April Hyland, Janaya Woodmass | 12 Elizabeth St, Tauranga |
07 578 6228 |
Lumino Dental | Terry Dunne, Sarah Bronte | 2 Willow St, Tauranga |
07 578 6096 |
Strand Dental | Miles Bowker | 1426 Cameron Road, Tauranga |
07 578 4607 |
Tauranga Dental House | Lauran Spyker | 8 Willow St, Tauranga |
07 578 9849 |
Team Dental Tauranga |
Brett Marshall | 1426 Cameron Road, Tauranga |
07 281 1032 |
Team Dental Greerton |
Brett Marshall | 1426 Cameron Road, Tauranga |
07 281 1032 |
Duncan Dental | Stewart Duncan | 220 Lakes Boulevard, Pyes Pa | 07 578 5221 |
Dental Solutions | Bernie Pollard | 36 Cameron Rd, Tauranga | 07 578 4409 |
Welcome Bay Dental Care | Rupinder Kaur | 33 Hairini St, Welcome Bay | 07 544 6080 |
The Dentists | Graeme Lynam, Alastair Miller, Sally Sun | 344 Otumoetai Road, Otumoetai |
07 576 4895 or 07 576 3109 |
Mt Maunganui |
The Tooth Fairy Dental - Mount | Tom Urie, Dale Benic, Kevin Ogle | 5 Nikau Crescent, Mt Maunganui |
07 575 6278 |
Dental Care Dentist | Fareeza Raja | 30 Maranui Street, Mount Maunganui, Tauranga | 07 579 8029 |
Pāpāmoa |
Team Dental Pāpāmoa (Will only enrol new students if other family members are enrolled with this dentist) |
Micheal Simon | Excelsa Medical Centre, 5 Golden Sands Drive, Pāpāmoa |
07 542 4230 |
Pāpāmoa Dental Centre | Stephen Houston | 532 Pāpāmoa Beach Rd, Pāpāmoa | 07 542 2294 |
Dental Associates Pāpāmoa | Alex Santos, Namrita Mesuria, John Falkiner | 26c Gravatt Rd, Pāpāmoa Beach |
07 574 3844 |
Te Puke |
Tooth Fairy - Kings Building | Felicity Leou | Kings Building, Jellicoe St, Te Puke |
07 573 7818 |
Mobile Adolescent Dental Services (Te Manu Toroa) |
Jane Grierson | Te Puke High School | 027 807 2038 |
The Tooth Fairy Dental - Te Puke (Queen St branch) | Catherine Hicks | 21 Queen Street, Te Puke |
07 573 8738 |
Tooth Fairy Dental - Te Puke | Joy Dawson | 19 Jellicoe St, Te Puke |
07 573 7856 |
Katikati |
Katikati Family Dental Centre | Nuha Al-Shamma | 22 Main Rd, Katikati |
07 549 1111 |
Katikati Gentle Dental Care | Tom Stone | Regent Arcade, 17 Main Rd, Katikati |
07 549 3262 |
Western Bay Dental Care | Anne-Marie Fouche | 19A Carisbrook St, Katikati |
07 549 5454 |
Waihi |
Waihi Family Dental Centre | Donna Fisher | 6 School Lane, Waihi |
07 863 7272 |
Clinic | Dentist(s) | Address | Phone |
Kawerau |
Absolute Dental |
Shash Patel |
Tarawera Court, |
07 323 6530 |
Whakatāne |
Dental HQ |
Ian Hamill, Shelley Jones |
19 Pohutukawa Ave, |
07 312 6330 |
Eastbay Dental |
John Twaddle, Josephine Brown, |
9 Simpkins St, |
07 308 5279 |
Lumino Dental Whakatāne |
Murray Hays, Scott Sisam |
32 Landing Rd, |
07 308 8585 |
Phoenix House Dental Centre |
Richard Otley, Dalila Gabb |
Phoenix House, |
07 308 7469 |
Whakatāne Dental Centre |
Paul Isaac |
9 James Street, |
07 308 9998 |
Ōpōtiki |
East Bay Dental |
James Choo, Shayden Bell |
82 Bridge Street, Ōpōtiki |
07 315 6124 |
Rotorua |
Absolute Dental Rotorua |
Shash Patel |
164 Old Taupo Rd, |
07 348 3882 |
Absolute Dental Ngongotaha |
Shash Patel |
284 Ngongotaha Rd, |
07-357-2280 |
Emergency Dental Clinics for Community Services Card holders (for adults)
Dentists that provide emergency dental care and tooth pain relief (tooth extraction) for Community Services Card holders.
Clinic | Dentist(s) | Address | Phone |
Tauranga |
Complete Dental | Shailendra Kumar Jain | 205 Chadwick Rd, Greerton | 07 578 7215 |
Pāpāmoa |
Dental Associates Pāpāmoa | Alex Santos, Namrita Mesuria, John Falkiner |
26c Gravatt Rd, Pāpāmoa Beach |
07 574 3844 |
Katikati |
Katikati Family Dental Centre | Nuha Al-Shamma | 22 Main Rd, Katikati |
07 549 1111 |
Clinic | Dentist(s) | Address | Phone |
Kawerau |
Absolute Dental | Shash Patel | Tarawera Court, Kawerau | 07 323 6530 |
Rotorua |
Absolute Dental Rotorua |
Shash Patel | 164 Old Taupō Rd, Rotorua | 07 348 3882 |
Absolute Dental Ngongotaha |
Shash Patel | 284 Ngongotaha Rd, Rotorua | 07 357 2280 |